Location: Middlebury
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Jaimie Stewart
(802) 388-6751
What’s That Mark? When to Sweat the Small Stuff August 20, 2021
Anyone that encounters children should attend this training. Sentinel injuries, and how they are directly related to SBS/AHT, will be explored. Simple, easy to remember, tools will be taught to attendees on how to determine the likelihood of inflicted injury versus accidental. Suggested for adult audiences only due to graphic images. Advanced Specialized Care.
- Child Development & Learning
- Family & Community Partnerships
- Safety & Wellness
- Observation & Assessment
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
This workshop is cosponsored with Prevent Child Abuse Vermont and will be held via zoom. Please RSVP to attend @ jstewart@csac-vt.org.