Career Development


Children’s experiences are shaped by the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the people around them. It’s important to continue expanding your skills to account for changes in both the demands of the field and your professional interests. Consider where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want your career to lead so you can select a clear pathway and invest your time and resources with purpose.

Find Your Path and Stay on Track

For complete information about ALL career pathways in Early Childhood field, please download the Career Advising Guide from the resources on this page or find more information about your specific career development needs:

If you need support identifying your career pathway, please contact us for further assistance.

  • Early Childhood Career Ladder

    The Early Childhood Career Ladder is an essential tool for planning tracking your professional growth that organizes coursework, credentials, degrees, and licensure. Each level of the Career Ladder combines education and experience.

  • Individual Professional Development Plan

    If you work in the early childhood or afterschool professional field, you are required to create an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to show that you reflect upon and plan your professional skills, knowledge, and development.

  • Professional Development Tracking System (BFIS)

    The Bright Futures Information System (BFIS) is a data management system operated by the Child Development Division of the Department for Children and Families. Northern Lights at CCV helps professionals understand and use their BFIS Quality and Credential Accounts.

  • Higher Education

    You may need to complete specific coursework, certificates, credentials, or an academic degree from a college, university, or accredited institution to move forward on your career pathway.

  • Afterschool Pathways

    Afterschool Professional Pathways is an essential tool for planning and tracking your professional growth that helps organize education, certificates, and credentials.

  • Competencies and Standards

    Vermont’s professional Competencies and Standards define the skills and knowledge required to work in the early childhood and afterschool fields.

  • Certificates, Credentials, and Licensure

    In your role, you are required to document and maintain all the qualifications your job requires. We’re your guide to career development and can help you understand what you need – be it certificates, credentials, academic degrees, or educator licensure.