Location: Arlington
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Alyson Grzyb
Approaching Difficult Conversations with Families October 23, 2018
Often we are hesitant to have difficult conversations with parents because we are worried about a negative reaction. We are telling a parent something that they might not want to hear. This presentation will include answers to arduous questions, such as "What is the best way to begin a conversation like this?" "Should I just come right to the point?" "What if the parent reacts defensively?" "Should I agree with their point of view?" and "Do I interrupt when she is arguing?" Through participation in this workshop you will learn and practice the skills required to successfully present a difficult topic. The core knowledge areas addressed are Professionalism and Families and Communities. This workshop is geared toward all early childhood educators and administrators.
- Family & Community Partnerships
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- Mentors/Coaches
- Program Directors/Managers
Heavy snacks will be provided. This training is brought to you by Bennington County Starting Points. The training will be held in Bailey Hall of the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Rd, Arlington, VT.