Location: Tinmouth
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 12
Cost: $ 60.00
Scholarship: No
Emily Pals
(802) 258-8468
Science, Nature Play and Learning PLC March 19, 2019
As children, we develop a love and appreciation for nature and science through wonder-filled hours of outdoor play: building fairy houses, climbing trees, making mud pies, watching clouds. Nature-based play in early childhood allows children to investigate natural phenomena, generate meaningful questions, develop problem solving and communication skills, and foster a sense of place. Join this professional learning community to venture outside, learn about nature-based play and learning, and investigate best practices in developing rich outdoor learning opportunities for young children. The Science, Nature Play and Learning PLC will support early childhood educators and early elementary teachers as leaders, leverage local resources and community connections, as well as make lasting changes in teaching practice. Topics will emerge from the interests and needs of the group and have included: doing science, meeting Common Core and NGSS, physical spaces and adult role, group management, nature journaling and establishing outdoor routines during the first 6 weeks of school.
- Child Development & Learning
- Safety & Wellness
- Observation & Assessment
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
Please dress appropriately for the weather, we will spend extended time outdoors. A light meal will be provided.