Location: Hartford
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Tammie Hazelett
Sympathy, Empathy, and Compassion: Preschool Concepts and Strategies (Part 2 of 2) April 22, 2019
Part 2: Preschoolers are transitioning from ego-centric socio-centric thinking, that is, they are beginning to see the world beyond their own perspective. This neuro-developmental progress can be defined by sympathy, empathy and compassion. We will discuss the differences among these three and ways to train young children to know and practice them. Teaching these concepts better prepares children to function in families and society, and is proactive to avoid harsh discipline-based strategies.
- Child Development & Learning
- Preschool/PreK
Located at DHMC in Auditorium H. Training Young Children Compassion and non-violent Communication comprises parts 3 and 4 of the same training cycle.