Better Kid Care is a program of Penn State Cooperative Extension and offers many Online Anytime trainings that are approved in Vermont. For more detail about Approved Training Organizations, visit:
Vermont contracted with Better Kid Care in 2016 to create a Vermont-specific child care orientation training. There are many other trainings and orientations available on Better Kid Care so it’s important to be sure you choose the right one. Read below for steps on how to find Vermont’s orientation training:
- Visit
- Scroll down slightly and look for the orange rectangle on the right-hand side of the page that reads “Sign In for Online Courses”
- Sign in with your Better Kid Care username and password OR Create your account using the link underneath the heading titled “New to Better Kid Care?”
- Once you are signed in, use the Search function on the “Course List” page and type in “Vermont Orientation Training.” Click “Search.”
- The Vermont Orientation Training should be the only search result. Make sure the training title says “Vermont Orientation Training ( ) (CDA1) 9 hr” and that the fee for the training is $20 to confirm that you have the right one.
- Click on the title of the training to start.
- Follow the prompts to enter your information to take the training.
**Important: Make sure you enter your BFIS quality and credential account ID when prompted so your orientation can be entered into your BFIS account upon completion.**Other important information regarding the Better Kid Care Vermont Orientation:- You will need to watch the videos throughout the training in their entirety AND finish with an 80% or higher in order to complete the training
- If you do not pass the Assessment with an 80% or higher at the end, you will be sent back to the start of the training and need to go through again (you will not need to pay the fee again).
- Tip: If you are taking the Assessment and are unsure of an answer, you can go back and review the material in the lesson before going back to the Assessment to answer the question.
- There is a video at the beginning of the training that explains the course expectations.
- If you entered your BFIS number when prompted, you do not need to send the certificate of completion to Northern Lights. Better Kid Care sends Northern Lights the list of all who completed the Vermont Orientation Training at the end of each month.
- Tip: As long as your BFIS number has been added to your Better Kid Care account, you don’t need to send any Better Kid Care certificates to Northern Lights – they will be sent automatically to Northern Lights in the following month.