Related Fields and Credits

Becky Millard

Related Fields for early childhood professionals are fields of study that relate directly to working with children birth through grade three/age 8.

In Vermont, Related Fields are degrees with a major or concentration in:

  • Early childhood;
  • Child or human development;
  • Elementary education;
  • Special education with a birth to eight focus; or
  • Child and family services.

Related Credits are credits earned from college coursework that meet the following criteria:

To submit coursework documentation to Northern Lights, please send an official or unofficial version of your transcript along with a signed Verification Cover Sheet to Northern Lights using our secure file transfer system called ZendTo. Visit this page for details about how to submit your documents securely.

You may also send your documents to Northern Lights via postal mail at CCV PO Box 489, Montpelier, VT 05601 c/o Northern Lights