< View Training Calendar

Location: Bennington

Training Type: Online Real Time

Total Hours: 2.5

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Phil Morin
(802) 266-0665

3SquaresVT Basic Training Deb Norris

Sponsor: Hunger Free VT
Instructor: Phil Morin

WHY: 3SquaresVT, our nation's first response to hunger, helps an average of 70,000 Vermonters a month put food on their table every day, and many more are eligible. This free training will offer an opportunity to gain a deeper knowledge of 3SquaresVT eligibility, deductions, benefits and the application process, learn about recent and upcoming policy changes, enhance outreach skills, and share experiences and best practices with colleagues from your region. WHAT: Each free training is approximately two and a half hours long, and will offer practical information, skills, and outreach strategies to those new to the program or wanting a refresher. More information will be sent out closer to each training date. WHO: You! A broad range of organizations and people are invited to attend, including those from community action agencies, area agencies on aging, food shelves, community meal sites, schools, health clinics and hospitals, churches, senior centers, shelters, veteran organizations, housing authorities, child care centers, and more. Whether you do direct application assistance or just interact with low-income Vermonters, this training is for you!

Core Knowledge Area
  • Family & Community Partnerships
  • Safety & Wellness
  • Instructors of Adults
  • Mentors/Coaches
  • Program Directors/Managers
Session Dates
Session Times
April 2, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Additional Information

This training will take place online. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6G42drWegbyHrq02QhUeEHjUadleIFbiiaD8pBu3JcpgOhA/viewform