Location: Statewide
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Janniqua Dawkin
(480) 254-4300
Building Supportive Relationships Through an Anti-biased and Anti-racist Lens January 27, 2021
Children’s educational success depends as much on the quality of the relationship in the school community as it does on the quality of instruction school provides. As part of the Vermont Guiding Principles Professional Development Series, this 2-hour session focuses on the importance of building equitable, trusting, and caring relationships with children that value individual social identities, cultures, languages, and abilities and the role they play in supporting children’s healthy social and emotional development and learning. Participants will examine their own personal values, beliefs, and biases and how these beliefs positively or negatively impact relationships with children and families. You are encouraged to attend the full training series, but welcome to sign up for any individual session you choose. Follow the registration link to learn more and to register for any or all of the sessions.
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
- Program Directors/Managers
IMPORTANT: Do Not click on the orange box to select a date to regsiter. Please Click on the blue title of the sessions you are interested in. This is an Online Real Time training and will be delivered via Zoom. Participants must have an Internet connection and computer, laptop, mobile device or tablet with camera, audio, and mic. You will receive a Zoom link to participate after you register. After the training, you will receive a brief survey from Northern Lights which will collect the information needed in order to enter this training into your BFIS account.