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Location: Newport

Training Type: In Person

Total Hours: 2

Cost: $ 20.00

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Lisa Duncan
(802) 673-6888

Cultivating Music in Your Childcare Garden Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

Sponsor: Northeast Kingdom Providers Association (NEKPA)
Instructor: Jennifer DeBedout

Music can be an enriching experience in the childcare setting. This session will be experiential in nature with easily accessible and interactive music making. In addition to guided music activities, the presenter will discuss the important role music can play in early childhood development. The presenter will discuss the ways music can be used to help promote communication and academic learning while fostering positive social connections.

Core Knowledge Area
  • Child Development & Learning
  • Safety & Wellness
  • Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
  • Curriculum & Learning Environments
  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool/PreK
  • Program Directors/Managers
Session Dates
Session Times
September 28, 2019
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Additional Information

Located at North Country Hospital, 189 Prouty Drive, Newport, Vermont in the Ground Floor Meeting Room. This session is part of the NEKPA conference. $10 fee for members, $20 for non-members. Lunch is included.