Location: Arlington
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 2
Cost: $ 5
Scholarship: No
Alyson Grzyb
(802) 447-1093
De-Escalation November 27, 2019
De-escalation is the reduction in the intensity of a conflict. Unlike escalation, which often occurs rapidly and unintentionally, de-escalation tends to be slow and only happens intentionally through much effort. A variety of approaches are possible: the gradual reciprocal reduction in tension approach (GRIT), cooling off periods, changing communication strategies and patterns, and others. This presentation will introduce ways to bring a child back to a reasonable state. Learning to control yourself, your physical stance, and how to have a helpful discussion, are topics this workshop includes. This information puts adults working with escalated behaviors in supportive positions.
- Child Development & Learning
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
This training will be held at the Federated Church of East Arlington, 102 Ice Pond Rd, Arlington, VT. A light meal will be served. The cost is $5 per person, unless you are a Bennington County Starting Points member in which case it is free.