Location: Rutland
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 2
Cost: $ 15.00
Scholarship: No
Lisa Moore
(802) 779-4269
Feeding The Developing Brain April 19, 2023
Feeding the Developing Brain The more we know about the food and brain connection, the better choices we can make about the diet. Starting several million years ago, we had enough additional caloric energy through changes in lifestyle and diet to actually build a completely new section of brain. This new brain, the prefrontal cortex, plays key roles in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. How is this structure best fueled? What are the ramifications of the brain not receiving its daily requirements of nutrients?
- Safety & Wellness
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
FREE Training for 2023 paid Rutland County Early Childhood Educators Network members! Not a member yet for 2023 Send a check made out to VTAEYC for $15.00 and mail to Lisa Moore 7135 Vt. Rte 30 Pawlet Vt. 05761 (Please include your name, place of employment, list if you are a registered home, licensed home, licensed center, preschool program or school based program, email address, mailing address, star level, and BFIS #) Not interested in joining the network but still interested in attending training send $15 check made out to VTAEYC and mail above info and check to Lisa. PLEASE email rutlandcountyecenetwork@gmail.com also so we know you have mailed payment.