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Location: Rutland

Training Type: In Person

Total Hours: 2

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Liz King
(802) 775-3906

Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness Planning Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

Sponsor: Childcare Provider's Network of Rutland
Instructor: Ed Larson from Tier One Safety and Security

Learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher, how to deal with different types of fires, evacuation practices and what to do when "sheltering in place" is necessary, as well as what supplies would be needed for an extended period of time. We will also discuss the notification of parents process and the importance of having up-to-date information in your childcare children's files.

Core Knowledge Area
  • Safety & Wellness
  • Program Planning & Development
  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool/PreK
  • School-Age
Session Dates
Session Times
October 16, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Additional Information

Training will be held at the Vermont Achievement Center at 88 Park St. in Rutland. Please enter at Mitchell Therapy Pool driveway and drive to back of building. We will be serving pizza for dinner. Please contact Liz King to register...802-775-3906 or lizkingchildcare@yahoo.com