Location: Montpelier
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 6
Cost: $ 150.00
Scholarship: Yes
Wendy Cohen
(802) 498-3350
Just Playing Around: Teaching PreK to 3rd Grade STEM Through Inquiry, Exploration, and Play – Workshop #2: Mathematics January 8, 2019
Children are naturally curious, full of questions, creative, and playful. This three-part workshop series uses the concept of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as play in which children are engaged in asking questions, making discoveries, experimenting, working with others, and working toward proficiency in NGSS and CCSS standards. The format of each workshop will use this playful approach to STEM. Participants will interact with each other, ask questions, explore materials, and play. The series starts with a focus on science followed by mathematics. Engineering is presented as an application of scientific and mathematical concepts. Technology is a tool that is woven throughout the series. The series can also be taken as a 2-credit course which requires participation in all three workshops and completion of readings and assignments focusing on purposeful play, cultivating STEM identities, and strengthening both teacher and student mindsets with STEM content. Participants in the mathematics workshop will: develop an understanding of teaching and learning trajectories in Number and Operations, Geometry, and Measurement; investigate ways to naturally highlight math in play situations; learn how to provide focused learning opportunities through play; explore and extend their own math understandings during problem solving explorations; create math toolkits to use in their own learning environments.
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
A light breakfast and lunch will be served. This workshop is at the Capitol Plaza, Montpelier, VT.