Location: South Burlington
Training Type: In Person
Total Hours: 6
Cost: $ 150
Scholarship: Yes
Wendy Cohen
(802) 498-3350
Just Playing Around: Teaching STEM Through Inquiry, Exploration, and Play, PK – Grade 1 – Engineering September 11, 2019
Children are naturally curious, full of questions, creative, and playful. This four-part workshop series uses the concept of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as play; children are engaged in asking questions, making discoveries, experimenting, working with others, and working toward proficiency in the VELS, NGSS and CCSS standards. The format of each workshop reflects this playful approach to STEM. Participants will interact with each other, ask questions, explore materials, and play. Engineering is the application of science and math to solve problems; its aim is to solve the “so what?” question that students often wonder about. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) specifically call for students to engage in the practices of science and engineering that will address major challenges confronting our society today and get them ready to solve societal and environmental challenges they’ll face in the future. Students are expected to define problems, identify and work with criteria and constraints when searching for solutions; build and test prototypes; and generate, evaluate and optimize solutions.
- Child Development & Learning
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
Parking on site. Breakfast and lunch included. The Just Playing Around series of workshops can also be taken as a 3-credit graduate course. The course requires participating in all four workshops, completing readings and assignments online, focusing on purposeful play, cultivating STEM identities, and strengthening both teacher and children’s mindsets with STEM content.