< View Training Calendar

Location: Barre

Training Type: In Person

Total Hours: 2

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Kristen Martin
(802) 479-0912

Nature as the Classroom Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

Sponsor: Montessori School of Central Vermont
Instructor: Ashley Squier

Learn how to incorporate outdoor education in your curriculum. Based on the "Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature" we will be exploring ways to use the outdoors to supplement programming for children of all ages. Connect to nature through the study of animals and using our five senses to better understand the outside world. Participants will learn how to connect their programs with nature regardless of outdoor surroundings and develop learning experiences to bring back to their program.

Core Knowledge Area
  • Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
  • Curriculum & Learning Environments
  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool/PreK
  • School-Age
Session Dates
Session Times
May 24, 2019
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Additional Information

Training will take place at 84 Pine Hill Road, Barre, VT. We will plan on conducting most of the training outside so please come prepared for the weather. Water will be provided; please come prepared with light snacks if needed. No nuts or sesame please!