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Location: Rutland

Training Type: In Person

Total Hours: 2

Cost: $ 10

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Melinda Pearson
(802) 775-2395

Rutland Starting Points Community of Practice: Yoga Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

Sponsor: Rutland County Starting Points Director's Network
Instructor: Chyna Boise-Facilitator, Betsy Franzoni Yoga Instructor

The Starting Points Networks of Rutland County would like to invite you to our 2019 Community of Practice! This year we will be focusing on Compassion Fatigue, Staff Burnout and How to Care for Ourselves. In order to participate in this Community of Practice, we will be requiring you to attend at least 4 out of the six events being held throughout the year. Chyna Boise, consultant from Rutland Mental Health, will be our facilitator and will join us each month. Some months are time for conversation, other months will be a training to provide techniques on how to care for ourselves while caring for children going through crisis. Chyna Boise, M.S., Children’s Services Clinician at RMHS will be our facilitator for the entire Community of Practice. She will guide us in discussions and support the work we do in this important series. The schedule is as follows: March 28: Kick off our Community of Practice with open discussion about the stressors we face everyday and how we handle them. April 23: Yoga!! Come with a mat (not required) and proper attire for an hour of relaxing Yoga with licensed Yoga instructor Betsy Franzoni! May 21: This evening Becky Millard will be presenting a training on Mindfulness and Meditation. We will be taking the months of June and July off for summer vacation! August 6: We will reconvene with conversation about how our summers are going and what we are doing to care for ourselves. In September we will be having a full day training from NFI Vermont, Inc Family Center. Please look this great program up on the web; I will send out more details when I get the agenda for the day. The date right now is either September 7 or 21. Watch for further details!! October 1: Wrap up discussions, where do we go from here?

Core Knowledge Area
  • Safety & Wellness
  • Professionalism & Ethical Practice
  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool/PreK
  • School-Age
  • Instructors of Adults
  • Mentors/Coaches
  • Program Directors/Managers
Session Dates
Session Times
April 23, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Additional Information

All sessions will take place at the CVPS/Leahy Conference Center at the Rutland Hospital. A light meal/snacks will be served at each session. The date for September may change to September 21, this site will be updated if this happens.