Location: Statewide
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 3
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Elizabeth Kervick
(802) 398-2037
Teaching for This Time: Big Issues and Little People January 12, 2021
As much as we want childhood to be a separate and safe space, children grow and learn in the context of our rapidly changing world. Climate change, stark divisions within our country, and a global pandemic press upon children and adults alike. Come share your resources and hear from other leaders about how to cope, and teach, in this time. What are some pitfalls to avoid? What insights do older children have about the concerns and capacities of preschoolers? What can educators do now to prepare children to live in the world they will inherit? How young children learn to interact with the natural world, care for themselves and others, and solve problems has big implications for our families, communities, and our ecosystem. This frank discussion will occur over two sessions: Session 1: What preschoolers bring to the challenge in a changing world Session 2: How adults can build on preschoolers’ strengths in a changing world
- Child Development & Learning
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Curriculum & Learning Environments
- Preschool/PreK
This training will be offered via Zoom, and a link will be sent in advance of the training dates.