< View Training Calendar

Location: Waterville

Training Type: In Person

Total Hours: 2

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Amy Lafountain
(802) 644-5705

What is the Process if You Need to Report? Sylvia Kennedy-Godin

Sponsor: Lamoille Valley Starting Points
Instructor: Tracy Patno

Presenters will give an overview of what the Special Investigation Unit/Child Advocacy Center is. DCF will speak about mandated reporting, intakes, accepted reports, and their part of the investigation. Law enforcement will talk about when it is a criminal case and when you should call them directly.

Core Knowledge Area
  • Family & Community Partnerships
  • Professionalism & Ethical Practice
  • Instructors of Adults
  • Mentors/Coaches
  • Program Directors/Managers
Session Dates
Session Times
January 9, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Additional Information

If you are not a member of the network it is $5.00 for the training. Presenters include Tracy Patnoe, DCF investigators and law enforcement. This is the first session of an annual training, and school personnel will also be invited to future sessions.