Online Real Time Training Criteria

Becky Millard

Updated 12/15/20

Permanent Approval to offer Online Real-Time Trainings

In response to the overwhelmingly successful implementation of the temporary Online Real-Time training criteria, the Child Development Division has elected to make some clarifications to the criteria and to shift the approval from temporary to permanent.


  1. The training must be offered by an approved sponsor (with a signed agreement on file with Northern Lights at CCV), the Vermont Agency of Education, the Vermont Agency of Human Services, or a Vermont public school or supervisory union.
  2. Online Real-Time trainings must be offered using technology that allows participants to engage in the training using BOTH video and audio (e.g. Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.). Approved training entities are strongly encouraged to consider technology that allows for participation using a smartphone app as well as participation from a computer with webcam and microphone.
  3. Every effort should be made by the approved training entity to support training participants’ engagement in the training using both video and audio. If the technology tools available to the participant do not allow for both video and audio participation, participants will still be able to obtain training hours for audio-only participation in the training.
  4. Approved training entities must continue to complete all requirements of the reporting system provided by Northern Lights at CCV including submitting trainings to Northern Lights for entry into BFIS, documenting and submitting attendance, and using appropriately credentialed instructors.
  5. Approved training entities are responsible for ensuring that all participants listed on the attendance submitted to Northern Lights successfully participated in the online training. For the purposes of documenting training attendance, successful participation is defined as attending all or most of the scheduled duration of the training.
  6. Approved training entities must establish a way to verify successful participation in online real-time trainings. Recommended verification strategies include a sponsor or sponsor representative attending the training to track and verify attendance, or utilizing monitoring tools embedded in the technology tool to track participant attendance in the training.