< View Training Calendar

Location: Statewide

Training Type: Online Real Time

Total Hours: 2

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Briana Spencer
(802) 498-0618

Act 1 – What is Child Sexual Abuse? Deb Norris

Special Topics:
Sponsor: Prevent Child Abuse Vermont
Instructor: Kirstie Grant

Act 1 – What is Child Sexual Abuse? Participants will: a) discuss child sexual abuse and the grooming process; b) determine how to respond to incidents of potential child sexual abuse. Through talking about child sexual abuse and how it happens, participants will develop skills to recognize abusive behaviors and signs of abuse, respond to concerning situations, and give healthy messages to children as part of prevention. This program is particularly for infant through after school teachers and care givers and those who support them. This training is in partial support of licensed centers meeting Vermont Act 1 requirements.

Core Knowledge Area
Session Dates
Session Times
April 8, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Additional Information

This training will be held as a virtual real time interaction via Zoom. Please contact via email if you have any further questions.