Location: Multiple
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 1
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Lisa Guererro
(802) 310-6034
Encouraging Play During a Pandemic April 15, 2020
In times of crisis, nature experiences and child-friendly spaces are even more important than usual in bringing normalcy to an unpredictable world and enabling children to build resilience and process the events around them through play. Learn now to identify ways nature supports healthy child development; explain how to create child-friendly spaces both indoors and outdoors; design and implement experiences that encourage play, and utilize play experiences as a means for documenting learning at home and in the classroom.
- Observation & Assessment
- Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- School-Age
- Instructors of Adults
- Mentors/Coaches
- Program Directors/Managers
This session is part of a 3-day, 6-hour mini conference. We will address the immediate needs of the early childhood workforce as its members continue to navigate the complexity of the impact that current events have had on their capacity to work with children and families. With a focus on the collective strengths and contributions of the workforce threaded throughout the conference, each presentation will meet the Northern Lights criteria for real-time live professional development trainings in Vermont and be designed to rebuild workforce morale, support participants with moving through change, and explore our collective role and responsibility to support quality child development and to lead our communities both now and into the future. Sessions include: Feeling Your Feelings: Your Guide for Adult Emotion Processing; Personal Boundary Setting: Being the Calm During the Storm to Remain Flexible; Powerful Tools for Community Care; Encouraging Play During a Pandemic; Creating Positive Change, A Curious Growth Mindset, and An Appreciative Culture; From Inspiration to Action.