Location: Statewide
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 2
Cost: $ 25
Scholarship: Yes
Chani Krech
(802) 234-1090
Professional Licensure – Advancing the Profession in VT September 28, 2021
Never has the time been more right for early childhood educators to advance as a recognized profession. Vermont is seeing growing consensus among early childhood educators about who we are, what we do, and the support we need to be successful. Now, it is time to explore implementation - how might this new profession work? This online real-time session describes an early childhood education profession with: 1) one consistent set of standards and competencies, 2) a professional licensure process overseen by members of the early childhood education profession, 3) a supported transition for members of the current workforce, and 4) workforce voices being central in all decision-making.
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
- Program Directors/Managers
This workshop is part of the virtual 2021 Early Childhood Education Annual Conference, presented by VTAEYC. The registration fee is $25 for non-members and $10 for VTAEYC members and Head Start staff. This fee includes the Advancing the Profession plenary session on Oct. 20 and a follow up workshop session on Oct. 21 (offered at 10 am or 6 pm). The conference will include two more virtual sessions this fall: Anti-bias education on Sept 29th & 30th and Mental Health for Early Childhood Educators on November 8th and 9th. All sessions are offered online in real-time and eligible for professional development hours, approved by Northern Lights at CCV. For more information, please visit the conference webpage: https://www.vtaeyc.org/early-education-annual-conference/