Location: Middlebury
Training Type: Online Real Time
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Jaimie Stewart
(802) 388-6751
SBS/Abusive Head trauma Prevention and Infant Safe Sleep Practices August 20, 2021
This training will explain to participants exactly what SBS/AHT is, how it happens, those likely to be offenders and possible outcomes. Teaching methods for all types of learning are used; video, demonstrations and discussion is encouraged. Appropriate, and important, for all ages. Participants will: Explain how this type of abuse occurs, list at least (3) possible outcomes of SBS, describe actions that can be taken to prevent this abuse from happening and how to communicate the dangers to clients, explain the extensive damage that can occur when a young child is shaken, demonstrate comfortable engagement in conversation about this topic with clients, new and/or expecting parents, list current AAP recommendations for infant safe sleep and be able to recite the “A-B-C’s” of safe sleep, demonstrate approaches to relaying this information to clients.
- Child Development & Learning
- Family & Community Partnerships
- Safety & Wellness
- Observation & Assessment
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Program Planning & Development
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
This workshop brought to you by the Addison County Early Childhood Support Network and Prevent Child Abuse Vermont will be held in person via zoom. Please RSVP to attend @ jstewart@csac-vt.org.