Location: Statewide
Training Type: --Select--
Total Hours: 2
Cost: Free
Scholarship: No
Joanne Rouleau
(802) 828-0621
Stories of Belonging February 1, 2021
Stories of Belonging is a 3-part series of professional dialogues focused on equity and inclusion and guided by the main themes and concepts presented in children's literature. Each session invites participants to read and reflect on the selected children's books and to engage in meaningful conversation exploring the ways in which children's books can be used as tools for promoting equity and inclusion in our classrooms and communities. Participants are welcome to engage in one or more of the sessions in the series. Copies of the selected children's books are included with registration and will be mailed to participants before the first session in March. This training meets the criteria for Advanced Specialized Care.
- Family & Community Partnerships
- Professionalism & Ethical Practice
- Infant/Toddler
- Preschool/PreK
Participants will be able to: • Identify, critique, and discuss the main themes and concepts explored in the selected children’s books • Explore questions and engage in intentional dialogue about the concepts in each book and how they relate to participants' promotion of equity and inclusion • Examine how the selected books relate to and inform their teaching practices and support for all families. *** Books for this second session (March 11) - The Day You Begin by Jaqueline Woodson (ages 4-8); Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love (ages 4-8)