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Location: Middlebury

Training Type: Online Real Time

Total Hours: 2

Cost: Free

Scholarship: No

Contact Information:

Jaimie Stewart
(802) 388-6751

Using Yoga as a Healthy Way to Reduce Stress in Children and Adults Deb Norris

Special Topics:
Sponsor: Counseling Service of Addison County
Instructor: Eden Manus

The curriculum network saw the importance of offering a yoga class to our members, especially during this pandemic time. This class will be two fold: it will offer providers a chance to gain some insight on yoga and how it can help to reduce stress, as well as offer ways to put yoga into practice for children through your curriculum. Please attend prepared to listen, share your thoughts, participate in some yoga at home, and ask questions. Topics of focus: breathing, mindfulness, basic yoga poses, incorporating children’s literature.

Core Knowledge Area
  • Safety & Wellness
  • Developmentally Appropriate & Inclusive Practices
  • Infant/Toddler
  • Preschool/PreK
Session Dates
Session Times
October 22, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Additional Information

Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkf-qgrzMoGNPuZVFGJe_GV6cpBoZ2oTAo After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.