Vermont’s Unified Training Criteria (effective 7/1/22) require that a training organization meets quality criteria, training documentation meets verification criteria, and training design meets content criteria.
Some training organizations automatically meet quality criteria and their trainings can count toward training hours in Vermont. These organizations include:
- IACET-accredited training organizations
- Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) or affiliated organizations
- Northern Lights-approved sponsors
- Agency of Education, Agency of Human Services, and Vermont public and independent schools
Any other training organizations need to be reviewed and approved by Northern Lights to ensure they meet the Unified Training Criteria. If you find a training organization that you believe meets the criteria but is not listed below, please contact Northern Lights for support.
If you are interested in becoming an approved training organization recognized in Vermont, please visit this link to submit your Request for Approval. If you are a Vermont-based organization and/or you regularly offer in-person or online real-time trainings to Vermont educators, you should consider becoming a Northern Lights-approved sponsor. Click here for more information about sponsors.
Approved Training Organizations
Northern Lights reviews training organizations to ensure they meet criteria then lists them on the Northern Lights website. See below for the list of training organizations currently approved in Vermont.
Please Note: Northern Lights is working on a searchable database listing approved training organizations. Until the database is complete, all approved training organizations are listed alphabetically below. This list is updated regularly.
- AIR Training Solutions
- Alma Partners
- Better Kid Care
- IMPORTANT: State-specific trainings for any state other than Vermont do not count toward training hours and do not meet the orientation requirement. Click Here for more information about meeting the Vermont orientation requirement.
- SPECIAL NOTE: For the Vermont Orientation offered by Better Kid Care, you do not need to submit a certificate to Northern Lights, but you must be sure to enter your BFIS Quality and Credential account number when you create an account – otherwise we cannot credit you for your orientation. For more information, please view our How To Guide for the Vermont Orientation Training.
- Brazelton Touchpoints
- Brookes Publishing
- Building Blocks for Literacy
- Care Courses
- Change Impact
- Child Care Lounge
- Child Care Resources Inc.
- ChildCare Education Institute
- continue ed
- Cox Campus
- Cypherworx (Out of School Time Modules)
- IMPORTANT: Trainings must meet the Unified Training Criteria, content criteria to count toward training hours. Contact your Resource Advisor if you have questions about whether a particular module will count in Vermont.
- Devereux Center for Resilient Children
- Early Care Evolution
- Early Childhood Investigations Webinars
- Note: Both live and recorded webinars meet Unified Training Criteria. Trainings may be completed with or without CEUs and will still meet criteria.
- ed2go
- FEMA (Preparedness for Child Care Providers)
- Head Start Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
- IMPORTANT: To count toward Advanced Specialized Care training criteria, you must submit completion certificates for all modules together in one batch to Northern Lights.
- HiMama
- Housman Institute
- Note: A syllabus is included in the training. Please include syllabus when submitting certificate of completion to Northern Lights at CCV.
- H&H Child Care Training Center LLC
- In Safe Hands
- Inspire Care 360
- The Institute for Education and Professional Development (IEPD)
- Iris Center PD Certificates for Educators
- Kids Included Together
- Life is Good Playmaker Project
- Lifeways
- Linda Schumacher
- McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership
- Note: Please submit BOTH completion certificate and McCormick Center State Specific Information page when submitting documentation to Northern Lights at CCV for PD hours.
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Learning Lab
- National CACFP Sponsors Association
- National Center on Afterschool and Summer Enrichment
- Note: When you send your training certificate, please also include a link to where Northern Lights staff can find the number of training hours
- National Head Start Association
- Natural Start Alliance
- New York Works for Children [see Teaching Improves Performance Corporation]
- Professional Development Program (PDP) Early Childhood Education and Training Program
- Trainings specific to NY, e.g., Introduction to the New York State Child Day Care Regulations do not meet Vermont professional development hours. Trainings on Medication Administration, Emergency Preparedness, and Mandated Reporter do not meet Vermont regulation requirements.
- Procare Solutions
- ProSolutions Training
- Pyramid Model Consortium
- Vermont Early MTSS Pyramid Model PreK Module training recordings on the Vermont Affiliate page can also count toward training hours in Vermont. More detail available HERE.
- Free access to the ePyramid Modules is currently available. To request free access codes, please fill out this form. More information is available HERE.
- Quorum Learning
- SafeGard
- IMPORTANT: For SafeGard Classes Online courses to be verified in Vermont, you must submit the certificate of completion AND a description of the learning outcomes to Northern Lights.
- S.E.E.D. and Sew
- Smart Horizons
- Starr Commonwealth
- The following Starr Commonwealth trainings are approved for professional development hours: Trauma-Informed Resilient Schools, Healing Trauma & Restoring Resilience in Schools, Resetting for Resilience, Structured Sensory Interventions II, Children of Trauma and Resilience; Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Focused Assessment and Differential Diagnosis
- StateChange
- Successful Solutions
- Teaching Improves Performance Corporation
- Certificates may list organization as “New York Works for Children”
- Teaching Strategies
- Teaching with Orff
- Teachstone
- Texas A&M University Agrilife Extension
- Think Again Training and Consulting
- Think Small Institute
- Transforming Early Childhood Education LLC
- Udemy – selected instructors
- Only trainings taught by the instructors listed below can count in Vermont. If you are interested in a training by another instructor, please contact your Resource Advisor to ask if it can count toward training hours in Vermont.
- Mary Ann Biermeier
- Dr. Patricia M. Hart
- Universal Class
- We will accept all trainings with content clearly related to Early Childhood.
- Vermont Child Nutrition Trainings
- Note: CACFP online trainings are open to CACFP programs only
- Vermont Child Welfare Training Partnership
- Note: Please include a copy of training description and/or learning outcomes with certificate of completion.
- Vermont Online Mandated Reporter Training
- Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns
- Youth Development Institute (YDI) Courses
- IMPORTANT: Vermont Afterschool uses some of these modules as part of the Afterschool Essentials training course. Certificates from YDI courses must indicate that the individual has earned at least an 80% score to be verified in VT.
- Youth Development U.